Sustainability Committee of Colorado
Sustainability Committee
Contact: Steve Fisher, PhD, PE, ENV SP, F.ASCE, Chair
The Colorado Section of ASCE Sustainability Committee meets six times a year to discuss sustainability issues of our professions, the Section, and the national ASCE Committee on Sustainability (COS). It is composed of two committee co-chairs with subcommittee chairs for program and communications. Any ASCE member is welcome to participate in the meetings and volunteer in the committee’s activities.
The Sustainability Committee is charged with four main tasks. These are the following:
To partner with all the Section Technical Groups to identify speakers that incorporate an aspect of sustainability in their presentations.
To provide professional development and leadership in the area of sustainability to the Section membership.
To desseminate and promote to the Section membership ASCE national COS projects and issues.
To provide input to the Section leadership team on government legislation relating to sustainability issues.
The Sustainability Committee has a number of goals and projects. These are the following:
Involve the Section membership by consensus in establishing a sustainability definition, modeled after the ASCE national COS definition, that fits our Section and our region’s issues.
When draft legislation is debated at the state or local level, the committee will work with the Government and Public Affairs Committee to draft position papers on issues that relate to sustainability. Position papers may be sent to bill sponsors or to the membership to contact their own representatives.
Develop alliances and partnerships with organizations similar to ASCE or devoted to aspects of sustainability, such as economics, social sciences, or environmentalism.
Develop criteria for a Section-level sustainable project award, modeled after the national COS.
Develop criteria for presenting case studies in the Section newsletter or at monthly meetings, modeled after the national COS.
Promote among the Section membership new ASCE project certification and professional certification programs.
Plan and hold a regional sustainability symposium.
Arrange at least one field trip to a site or project that exemplifies notable sustainability achievements.
ASCE releases groundbreaking standard for sustainable infrastructure
The standard is a non-mandatory, performance-based consensus standard designed for civil infrastructure ranging from transportation projects to water systems and the energy grid.
“Building the right project beyond building the project right has been top of mind for us engineers,” said Cris Liban, D.Env., P.E., Dist.M.ASCE, chief sustainability officer for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. “ASCE 73-23 provides the performance standard wherein anyone around the world who wants to design, build, maintain, operate, and procure sustainable and resilient infrastructure can now have the standard to reference.
Upcoming Conferences
Geoenvironmental Impacts of Climate Change, Sustainability, and Resilience
The Geoenvironmental Engineering Technical Committee invites submissions of abstracts for the upcoming GeoenvironMeet 2024 conference, to be held on September 8–11, 2024, in Portland, Oregon.
Selections from ASCE Webinars
People-Centric AI for Resilient, Sustainable, Safe and Healthy Built Environments
Designing differently: Integrating resilience into structural design - FREE
Envision Verified Water Infrastructure Projects: Lessons Learned - FREE
Introduction/Review of Sustainable Infrastructure Design (YouTube)
Sustainable Infrastructure: From Principles to Practice – Nicholas Institute, Duke University (more in its series)
How Do We Build the Infrastructure of the Future: Shaping Sustainability - MIT
Do You Know About the Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Rating System?
Get your Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP) credential
Get Involved
We need volunteers to interact with our partner organizations, American Planning Association – Colorado (APA-CO) and American Public Works Association (APWA) and coordinate events.
Are you interested in helping draft legislation that could be introduced by a member of the Colorado Legislature? Topics could include:
Sustainability in procurement of infrastructure projects
Adoption of existing standards and rating systems (e.g. Envision) in state or municipal infrastructure design
Sustainability and resilience in urban planning
Together Colorado is asking for an engineer perspective and volunteer.