Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute
Initiation of the ASCE UESI Colorado Chapter
The purpose of forming an UESI Chapter Institute is to bring awareness to industry and political developments that impact the pipelines, utility engineering, and surveying fields. To form a new Chapter Institute, a few items are needed first. The below is taken from the ASCE Colorado Section By-Laws.
9.0.4 Institute Chapters. Local Institute Chapters shall be created in accordance with the following requirements: Proposal. A new local Institute Chapter shall be proposed by submission of a written proposal to the Executive Committee with the name, objectives, officers, and brief comments on how the new local Institute Chapter will be of advantage to members in the area. Membership. Not less than twenty (20) Subscribing Members of the Section may form an Institute Chapter. Approval. Approval must be obtained from the Executive Committee to activate the Institute Chapter. Approval shall be obtained from the appropriate Institute to activate the Institute Chapter.
Initially, the chapter needs volunteers for the preparation of a proposal, drafting of by-laws, and anyone interested in an officer role for elections. Colorado already meets the membership requirement by having over 50 registered UESI members in Colorado.
If you are interested in learning more about this effort, please reach out to Jeremy Garcia-Glasscock who is championing this effort at jeremy.garciaglassco@kiewit.com.
Become a Board-Certified Pipeline Engineer-Water
Board certification for civil engineers is vital to elevating the level of professionalism needed to meet the challenges facing the nation’s infrastructure. Board certification benefits the public, owners of infrastructure, employers, and practicing civil engineers.
24th Utility Investigation School
The 24th ASCE UESI/BAMI-I UIS School from December 9-15, 2024 at Kiewit’s headquarters campus in Denver, CO. This training covers ASCE 38-22, ASCE 75-22, ASCE Subsurface Utility Engineering for Municipalities, and EJCDC Contract Documents. Ability to earn Professional Development Hours (PDH) with 16 or 40 hours from two training options are available.